Many people think that you have to pay the huge expense of getting a pest control expert to come to your home. However, there are many things you can do at home that can cut the cost and do the same tricks. Consider the following tips for controlling the pests in your home.
Check to see if you have any centipedes around the house. Centipedes usually will prey on other bugs, so if you have a lot of them, you may be infested. In this case, the best thing that you can do is to hire a professional to help get rid of the issue in your home.
Know what treatments you can use by checking with building codes or other ordinances. At times, a chemical that is locally banned can cause you trouble when you want to sell your house. You should always do some research on pest control methods authorized in your area and not hesitate to contact local authorities if you are not sure what to do.
Prevent bugs from coming into your house by using a perimeter spray designed for outdoors. Make sure you spray your home’s foundation, porches, steps, and other areas that are located near any windows and/or doors. Make sure you are keeping your eyes open for any cracks. Seal these areas with caulk or another appropriate filler.
If you have been the victim of a recent bedbug infestation and have taken steps to eradicate them, be vigilant. Bedbugs can remain dormant for up to a year. This is why you should make sure to close all open holes in walls and floors. Bedbugs will disappear if they have nowhere to hide.
Keep all of your foods tightly sealed in a container. Pests are very attracted to the smell of food, so avoid baiting them. Whenever your trashcan becomes full, you should immediately take it out. Pests are also attracted to the scent of garbage.
If you want to keep aphids from bothering your kitchen or any other indoor area, steal a gardening trick. Plant and grow chives or nasturiums indoors in pots or containers. Both of these plants are very successful in keeping aphids from injuring nearby plants, so also work to keep these little flies from bothering you indoors too.
If you have a lot of trees or bushes around your home, prune them. This is a good way to prevent insects and animals from moving closer to your home, as they will not be able to transport themselves. Try to prune your trees at least once every few months or when they are getting too large.
You may seldom see pests in lived-in parts of your home, but remember to inspect lesser used areas from time to time. Underground areas of your home may be infested with termites. Check out your basement and any other underground area.
Do you feel like you have a better understanding about pest control? Why not try out a few of the things mentioned so you can see if you can eliminate that extra bill. You can do the same thing by yourself, and with your family, so get back in control today.